Friday, June 08, 2007

Who knew....

It's been how long? Between work, work, work, schooling, work and a once a week "loopy-ewes" meeting, there has been no time to blog. How long has it been? A year or more?

So, this morning I came upon this little quiz and who knew I'd end up being pegged as kermit? :) Hey, it could be worse!

You Are Kermit

Hi, ho! Lovable and friendly, you get along well with everyone you know.

You're a big thinker, and sometimes you over think life's problems.

Don't worry - everyone know's it's not easy being green.

Just remember, time's fun when you're having flies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wowzers! It sure is nice to see you around, Ingrid. I have missed you bunches.

And, who knew, but I am Kermit, too.